
District News
School News
'A' School Recognition

A Rated School

Fruchthendler has been recognized as an 'A' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
#TeamTUSD: Jessica Merriman and Garrett
Garrett and his mom Jessica sit on a bench outside the schoolJessica Merriman is a 2nd grade teacher at Fruchthendler Elementary. She’s joined at the eastside school by her youngest child, Garrett, who’s in 4th grade. Her older daughter also attended Fruchthendler, but is now in middle school. When the time comes for Garrett to move on, Jessica knows she’s going to miss having her kid around, but for now they’ll continue their little routine.

“He gets a peanut butter cup at the beginning of the day, every day, and he makes my sandwiches for school,” Jessica says.
Read Across America
A woman in a TUSD polo reads a picture book to studentsThank you to TUSD Board member Natalie Luna Rose for sharing Read Across America Day with us!
#TeamTUSD: Maria Leon

A woman in a blue cap holds a basket of applesMaria G. Leon has been working in the district for nearly 8 years and has been a part of the Fruchthendler team for a while now. One of her favorite things about her job? Feeding the kids and working alongside an amazing staff. She loves knowing that she’s making a difference every day by helping and caring for the students.

Outside of work, Maria stays active, she enjoys working out, hiking, and traveling whenever she can. But above all, family comes first. She’s a proud mom of three and loves spending time with her kids. And when it comes to the Tucson heat? She embraces it—summer is her favorite season! Thank you, Maria, for keeping our kids healthy and happy.

Spelling Bee Winner
A young girl stands at the microphone, preparing to spell her next wordCongratulations to Fruchthendler student Adelaide Cabrera, for winning the District Spelling Bee! She will go on to compete at the Pima County Bee at Canyon Del Oro High School on Saturday, February 15th at 10 am. Good luck, Adelaide!